Managing Your Build Tasks With Gulp.js

The benefits of task runners in software development is obvious. They help to automate common, often tedious tasks and let you squarely focus on more important things, like writing awesome code. Seriously though, the ability to automate tasks such as image compression, minification, unit testing and much more is a huge time saver.

For many front-end developers, the goto task runner to-date has been Grunt which allowed you to define your tasks using JavaScript inside of a file called Gruntfile.js (AKA a Gruntfile). Basically, if you knew JavaScript then setting up a Grunt task was a fairly straightforward process and the breadth of third party plugins to for other tools such as JSHint, Sass and Uglify makes it one of the most flexible tools available.

For the most part, Grunt has been the task runner of choice but recently, a new one named Gulp.js has been getting a lot of attention for its ease of setup and incredibly easy configuration file format which makes it easily readable and manageable.

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